I had breakfast this morning with a friend whom I had not seen in 3 months. She looked drawn and tired and had lost some weight. Concerned, I asked if everything's ok with her, and that's when she told me she had been diagnosed with colon cancer in the 3rd stage! I was frightened for her, but I didn't let that show. I told her I'll be praying for her throughout her treatment which starts tomorrow. I wished her well as we left the coffee shop. Cancer is such a scary disease. 3 years ago, I lost one of my dearest friends to pancreatic cancer which she bravely fought for 2 years before succumbing to the deadly disease. Now a friend's nephew is fighting chondrosarcoma - a type of bone cancer of the complicated kind. Just the word itself sounds complicated! Never heard that word before until recently. In the case of Brendan (my friend's nephew), the malignant bone growth occured in the brain area which resulted in his losing his right eye. For Brendan, the fight goes on. I continue to pray for him. If you're interested in following Brendan's progress, you may drop by his blog: http://ntsocialism.blogspot.com It's apparent that cancer of any kind has no discrimination - the young, the old, the poor, the wealthy, celebrities, red, yellow, black or white, there's no immunity. The latest celebrity cancer victim being Farrah Fawcett who succumbed to anal cancer after putting up a brave fight. She died on June 25th, the same day Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest. Unlike aids, it can strike anyone anytime. I find that so scary! So how can we protect ourselves from contracting the deadly disease? There are so many books and blogs on the various types of cancer fighting foods and supplements you can take as a defensive measure. Which is good because prevention is always better than cure.
At The Cross (Love Ran Red) - Chris Tomlin
8 years ago