The Swiss government has been aware of the dangers of eating white
bread for decades and in order to get its populace to stop eating it,
Switzerland has placed a tax on the purchase of white bread. The tax
money is given to bakers to reduce the price of whole wheat bread to
encourage people to switch.
The Canadian government passed a law prohibiting the “enrichment” of white bread with synthetic vitamins. Bread must contain the original vitamins found in the grain, not imitations.
Essentially, white bread is “dead” bread. Frequently, consumers are
not told the truth about this and so called “enriched” flour.
Why is the color of white bread so white when the flour taken from wheat is not?
It’s because the flour used to make white bread is chemically bleached, just like you bleach your clothes. When you are eating white bread, you are also eating residual chemical bleach. Flour mills use different chemical bleaches, all of which are pretty bad. Here are a few of them: oxide of nitrogen, chlorine, chloride, nitrosyl andbenzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemical salts.
One bleaching agent, chloride oxide, combined with whatever proteins are still left in the flour, produces alloxan. Alloxon is a poison and has been used to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. Chlorine oxide destroys the vital wheat germ oil. It will also shorten the flour’s shelf life.
Good Nutrition: You Won’t Find It In White Bread
In the process of making flour white, half of the good unsaturated
fatty acids, that are high in food value, are lost in the milling
process alone, and virtually all the vitamin E is lost with the
removal of wheat germ and bran. As a result, the remaining flour in
the white bread you buy, contains only poor quality proteins and
fattening starch.
But that is not the whole story as to the loss of nutrients. About 50%
of all calcium, 70% of phosphorus, 80% iron, 98% magnesium, 75%
manganese, 50% potassium, and 65% of copper is destroyed. If that is not bad enough, about 80% thiamin, 60% of riboflavin, 75% of niacin, 50% of pantothenic acid, and about 50% of Pyridoxine is also lost.
Scientific Study has confirmed what the Swiss have known for years
These horrific numbers are the results of a study run by the
University of California, College of Agriculture.
It is obvious, from what we have learned, that white bread should be
avoided. Whole wheat, rye, and grain breads made with whole wheat
flour is a better way.
It is a good idea to always read the labels and never buy foods that
contain artificial flavors, colors, bleached flour, preservatives,
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
Monday, December 10, 2012
White Bread Is “Dead” Bread
Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: alloxan, benzoyl peroxide, bleached flours, bleaching agents for flour, chloride oxide, chlorine, enriched flour, grain breads, hydrogenated oils, nitrosyl, oxide of nitrogen, rye, white bread, whole wheat flour
Saturday, December 1, 2012
What You Should Know About Osteoporosis
by: Junji Takano
When you
say "osteoporosis", we immediately think it is
by lack of calcium. Doctors will recommend you
to take more calcium, vitamin D, and sun exposure or sunbath.
However, the
latest findings in various hospitals show that
the majority of osteoporosis
patients are not caused
by lack
of calcium.
bones are complete and absorbing calcium. So what
is wrong with them? CT scan
results show no signs of osteoporosis,
yet, the patients easily suffer from
bone fractures. What's going on?
Here, we
came to know about a new strain of osteoporosis that was
discovered since
about two years ago.
The most
common type of bone fracture nowadays is "spinal
fracture". If spinal fracture occurs, the risk of death is eight
times higher than any
other type of bone fractures.
What is
the reason that bones are weakening? Why do patients suffer
from broken
It is an
important factor to have bone strength, not just bone
density. Bone collagen
connective tissues are also an important
factor to create flexibility.
Many of
us didn't realize this at first sight. In the past, osteoporosis
was viewed
more on bone strength, and we never hear and realize
about these connective
improve bone density, it's a
common knowledge to do
exercise and have a higher calcium intake like by eating
dried fishes.
But now,
we have to think of a new measure to maintain bone
collagen connective
tissues to have enough flexibility. From this
simple measure, you may escape
from the risk of death caused by
fracture of spinal bones.
measure or determine strong bone and bone mineral density
are not as easy as
what you may think.
it has to pass various tests.
what is the major cause that leads to reduction of bone
collagen connective
tissues? Do you believe that it is
because of high blood sugar?
major component of bone, which is about one half of its
structure, is
calcium, and collagen is the other half. Collagen
fibres run through hundreds
of bone materials (calcium),
and the bones that we know are made.
You can
imagine that the bone materials (calcium) are somewhat
bonded by collagen and
kept with reasonable flexibility.
However, when blood sugar increases, the
collagen will be
joined as if there is an adhesive cement around, and the
will become brittle.
To avoid
the increase of blood sugar, exercise is one of the
best things to do. Aside from it, we recommend
you to take a
diet that contains vitamin B12 and vitamin B6,
and foods such as mackerel, sardines, clams, folic acid, broccoli, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, soybeans,
and asparagus.
taking these foods, you can have strong flexible bones.
## 3
1. Myth: Young people should not worry about osteoporosis.
Wrong. You will not realize that you
have osteoporosis until you have
this condition in advanced stages. That is
why it is very important to
begin proper nutrition and regular exercise as
early as childhood to
promote healthy bones.
2. Myth: Only women get osteoporosis.
Wrong. Although less common, men can
get osteoporosis, too.
20% of those affected by osteoporosis are men.
3. Myth: Drinking plenty of milk will help you prevent
osteoporosis. Not
entirely true. Even though drinking milk
is a good way to get calcium, it is
not the only factor in preventing
osteoporosis. There are others as mentioned
in this article.
About the author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases.
In 1968, he invented
PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic
therapy device for electro-medicine
that effectively eradicates viral
diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: best foods for prevention of osteoporosis, bone collagen, bone density, calcium, fractures, Junji Takano, osteoporosis, spinal fracture
Monday, August 6, 2012
Manioc (Tapioca) - Nature's Wonder Drug Against Cancer
Please let me share my happy experience with you. I wrote about it in February 2010 but now with added knowledge I write with many other peoples' experience.
My experience
I developed secondary bladder cancer after seven years following cancer in the urethra. My kidney, urethra and part of the bladder was removed. I had radiation to the abdomen there after. It was transitional cell carcinoma of the urethra. I was hale and hearty for seven years and during this period I had yearly examinations of the bladder by the fantastic surgeon who did the surgery at General Hospital Colombo.
In the seventh year I experienced blood in the urine as I had developed a growth in the bladder. It was once again transitional cell carcinoma (Cancer). The new growth was removed but what if it recurred? While I was convalescing I came to know of a treatment by eating Apricot seed kernel that was being used in Australia and USA without any chemotherapy. The information on this is found in the web
In a nutshell, how it acts on the cancer is thus. The apricot seed kernel has a substance called Vitamin B17, which was discovered by a British doctor who worked in a remote region in Afghanistan as a missionary. He found the people of the area measured their riches according to the number of Apricot trees they owned. They ate not only the apricots but also the apricot seed kernels. The apricot seed kernel looks like an almond in shape, size and smell. This is also known as the "bitter almond." The doctor discovered that people of the region did not suffer from cancer. After investigating the doctor found that the seed kernel contained a substance, which has been given the name Vitamin B17.
As I was having cancer I was curious about any food, which had B17 in our regular food. I found by browsing on the internet that manioc (tapioca) also has a large concentration of Vitamin B17. So I also ate the manioc, a minimum of 10 grams three times a day. Having consumed it for 1 month I underwent examination of my bladder (cystoscopy) at the General Hospital by the same surgeon. He was surprised that my bladder was absolutely clean and normal. "There was no place to take any biopsy" was his very words to me.
While I was taking the manioc / tapioca I was feeling very fit and well and people around me notice that I looked well.
Armed with the examination results of the bladder examination I published my story for well-being of all cancer patients in Sri Lanka.
Since then every three months I have gone for examination of the bladder under the same surgeon and every time my bladder was clear. Until now I have not taken any treatment other than eating the manioc.
In a more simplistic way I would like to explain how the Vitamin B17 in the manioc acts. The scientific name of vitamin B17 is Amygdaline. We know that cancer cells are immature cells and it has a different enzyme to the normal cell enzyme.
When the Vitamin B17 combines with a normal cell enzyme it breaks down into 3 sugars but when it combines with the cancer cell enzyme it breaks into 1 sugar 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid. The hydrocyanic acid kills the cancer cell locally.
What happens is that there is a substance called B17 in the apricot seed kernel (and in manioc), which when combined with a normal cell enzyme breaks down into three sugars.
When B17 combines with a cancer cell (an immature cell) it breaks down into one sugar, one benzaldehyde and one hydrocyanic acid. The hydrocyanic acid kills the cancer cell.
Others' experiences
I have been receiving frequent information from people with cancer who have read my first article about their experiences with the usage of manioc. I would like to share this information with you readers.
As retired pensioners this was too much to afford. Also Mr. Pereira who took the tablets and the injections for a few days refused to take it as it was making him very sick. Hearing of his illness his daughter came from USA to look after him and the daughter and his wife decided to feed him manioc instead of the tablets and injections that were prescribed. When he went on the manioc diet in a week he showed signs of wellness and after eating every morning a large breakfast of manioc for a month they took a test that he was to take after taking the tablets and injections and went to see the oncologist. He took with him the results of the PSA blood test.
Ever since he was diagnosed with the cancer the PSA test results were 280-290 but after 1 month of eating manioc it was now down to PSA 5.89! Then they came to see me too and showed me the PSA results of before and after. This gentleman (Mr. Pereira) is not showing any cancer symptoms and they call me regularly to say that he is now hale and hearty.
Another gentleman who had a liver cancer had surgery in Sri Lanka but a little spot of cancer was left behind according to the subsequent MRI scan.
He then was told to go and have a detailed MRI scan done in India at a very high cost.
He started to take manioc soon after liver cancer surgery. When he did go for the detailed MRI scan in India his Oncologist in India, after examination, informed him that he did not need to undergo any surgery or treatment because the spot had not enlarged for a whole year.
He was asked to continue as before. He came and met me and he looks a picture of health now.
I am very interested and encouraged by the feedback I am getting all the time from people who call me to tell their story. Especially as the exorbitant prices of the anti cancer drugs don't also offer a cure. My cousin who grew up next door had cancer before I knew about the manioc. She spent Rs. 40-50,000 for each injection, suffered phenomenally and died a miserable death. (Those of you who watch HBO on the Dialog TV may have seen a film titled "Death Be Not Proud" which depicts the sufferings of a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. That patient died). So I thought I must promote these experiences, give them publicity.
No fancy drug companies have done super duper tests on Vitamin B17 on manioc / tapioca / yam, why not try it? It is cheap, easy to obtain, easy to cook and very tasty and you will be well and not have side effects. So for what more can you ask? As we all know manioc can kill if the preparation is not done correctly.
A. When choosing a yam to be cooked make sure the yam does not have any blemishes or discoloured areas. And try to buy freshly harvested manioc
B. When boiling, keep the pot open throughout the cooking. This helps the excess hydrocyanic acid to evaporate
Posted by
12:57 PM
Labels: Apricot seed kernel, Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, Manioc (Tapioca), tapioca for cancer cure, Vitamin B17
Thursday, April 5, 2012
3 Easy Exercises for Back Pain Relief
The complete series of these three simple exercises only takes about two minutes to complete. Initially, try to do the exercises three times each day.
Posted by
10:53 PM
Labels: back pain, Healthy Back Institute, hip rolls, knee bends, waist twists
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Scientists Find Cancer-Destroying Protein
By Amy Coopes (AFP) – Oct 31, 2010
SYDNEY:- Australian and British scientists have uncovered a "death" protein that destroys rogue cells in what could be breakthrough for the fight against cancer, malaria and diabetes, researchers said Monday.
The protein, perforin, targets wayward cells and punches a hole in their membranes to let in killer enzymes, project leader James Whisstock said, adding the discovery "answers a really fundamental mystery of immunity".
"Perforin is our body's weapon of cleansing and death," said Whisstock, from Australia's Monash University.
"It breaks into cells that have been hijacked by viruses or turned into cancer cells and allows toxic enzymes in, to destroy the cell from within," he said. "Without it, our immune system can't destroy these cells."
High-powered microscopes in Australia and at London's Birkbeck College had allowed scientists to examine perforin's structure and function, Whisstock said, revealing a "powerful molecule" that targets malignant or infected cells.
Without perforin -- released by "killer" cells designed to destroy harmful invaders -- the body was unable to fight infections. Studies with mice had linked defective perforin to leukaemia and heightened cell malignancy.
The discovery also had implications for autoimmune diseases such as juvenile type 1 diabetes and for transplant patients, with the protein linked to both the elimination of healthy cells and tissue rejection, added Whisstock.
"Now we know how it works, we can start to fine-tune it to fight cancer, malaria and diabetes," Whisstock said.
Fellow researcher Joe Trapani said the 10-year study found that perforin's structure was similar to bacterial toxins like anthrax and listeria, suggesting that the human body had learned its tactics from diseases themselves.
"Quite remarkably that mechanism is conserved all the way back to bacteria... we've actually pinched it off bacteria at some point (in human evolution) and turned it back against them," said Trapani, from Melbourne's Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
"It's a war conducted between our immune system and bacteria and we're actually fighting using similar weapons," he told AFP, explaining that it was two billion year old blueprint.
Trapani said the discovery had exciting and diverse applications ranging from "stuff in third-world countries with the malaria all the way through to more Western-style medicine with transplantation and so on."
Whisstock said researchers were looking for ways to inhibit and boost perforin and use it to "deliver toxic cargoes into cells by choice", hoping to pave the way for new drugs.
"I have worked on this for a long time and it answers a really fundamental mystery of immunity," Whisstock told ABC radio.
"So I think just from a fundamental science perspective, I think it is really, really important and it is actually also a really cool story."
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: anthrax, cancer destroying protein, listeria, London's Birkbeck College, Monash University, perforin, streptococcus
Thursday, February 16, 2012
New Hope For Late Stage Cancer Patients
A vaccine widely known for treating late-stage cancer - almost all types of cancer, except leukemia - is now available in the country.
The Human Initiated Therapeutic Vaccine (HITV), which was only available in Japan previously, is able to completely destroy microscopic and tiny nests of cancer cells, thus preventing any future recurrences.
Discovered in 2005 by Dr Kenichiro Hasumi, a Japanese physician and researcher, HITV is an autologus (patient derived) active cell-based immunotherapy for metastatic or late-stage cancer patients.It is based on immunology that harnesses human immune system’s innate and adaptive ability to combat diseases.
Dr Hasumi, founder and chairman of Hasumi International Research Foundation in the United States, has dedicated more than 40 years of his life to find a cure to cancer.
Speaking at a media conference today, Dr Hasumi said the therapy was highly effective for patients suffering from late-stage cancer, when used in combination with radiotherapy.
“The use of tomotherapy (a type of radiation therapy) is important in this protocol. It can target the tumors precisely in one sweep, while reducing the radiation exposure to the surrounding tissues,” he said.
The treatment includes harvesting immune cells from the patient, culturing them in the laboratory to become immature dentritic cells, and then re-introducing them into the patient’s body, through injection into the tumor.HITV course takes about three weeks, with 10 days of actual treatment. Patients will have to be examined with PET-CT scan after the treatment periodically, to monitor the tumors for regression.Five out of nine patients show complete response
While the treatment was only available in Japan, nine Malaysians suffering late stage of various types of cancer have decided to give it a try. Five of them have shown complete response.
They include Goh Sai Wah, 58, a non-smoker who was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer with extensive spread to the spine and bone in May, last year.
She underwent the HITV therapy in Japan on Oct 30, last year and in her follow-up check, six weeks later, almost all cancer cells had disappeared.
Now, 365 days later, and counting, she is very much alive and well.
Dr Hasumi said since late stage cancer was a very difficult stage to cure, he hoped that in future, there would be innovations to cure cancer in the early stages.
HITV therapy costs about RM200,000, if patients decide to have it in Japan.
In Malaysia, it will cost about RM150,000.
The therapy is now available at the Mahameru International Medical Centre but medical practitioners are trying their very best to introduce HITV to all hospitals in the Klang Valley, in an effort to give late-stage cancer patients a new hope in life.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Doc: Papaya Leaves Can Cure Dengue
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9:40 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Benefits of Eating Fresh Pineapple
The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit.
The pineapple is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. One pineapple is actually made up of dozens of individual flowerettes that grow together to form the entire fruit.
Each scale on a pineapple is evidence of a separate flower. Pineapples stop ripening the minute they are picked.
No special way of storing them will help ripen them further. Color is relatively unimportant in determining ripeness.
Choose your pineapple by smell. If it smells fresh, tropical and sweet, it will be a good fruit. The more scales on the pineapple, the sweeter and juicier the taste.
After you cut off the top, you can plant it. It should grow much like a sweet potato will. This delicious fruit is not only sweet and tropical; it also offers many benefits to our health.
Pineapple is a remarkable fruit. We find it enjoyable because of its lush, sweet and exotic flavor, but it may also be one of the most healthful foods available today. If we take a more detailed look at it, we will find that pineapple is valuable for easing indigestion, arthritis or sinusitis. The juice has an anthelmintic effect; it helps get rid of intestinal worms.
Let's look at how pineapple affects other conditions.
Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue.
A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly 75% of the recommended daily amount. It is particularly helpful to older adults, whose bones tend to become brittle with age.
Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, is the key to pineapple's value.
Proteolytic means "breaks down protein", which is why pineapple is known to be a digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently.
Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Regular ingestion of at least one half cup of fresh pineapple daily is purported to relieve painful joints common to osteoarthritis. It produces mild pain relief. In Germany, bromelain is approved as a post-injury medication because it is thought to reduce inflammation and swelling.
Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in Vitamin C.
Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the bromelain, it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat.
If you have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet. It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations. Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies. In and of itself, pineapple has a very low risk for allergies.
Pineapple is also known to discourage blood clot development. This makes it a valuable dietary addition for frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.
An old folk remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice. It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first thing in the morning often make a difference. It's also good for a healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plaque growth.
Posted by
3:17 AM
Labels: benefits of pineapple