There's been much talk lately about the health hazards posed by the use of mobile phones. It was discussed on the Larry King Live show a while ago, and you read about it in the newspapers, magazines and also on the internet. Apparently, the dangers to our health from the use of mobile phones are real and serious enough for us to take some precautionary measures. If you only use your mobile phone for emergency calls, then the risk is insignificant. However, if you use your mobile phone on a daily basis for business calls or chatting and gossipping for hours on end, then it is advisable to use a headset to avoid pressing your mobile phone up against your head.
Here are some points I have gathered from various sources that mobile phone users should take note of:
1. Constant exposure to electronic magnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones may create cancerous brain cells and tumours, though research is still ongoing to prove this claim. In the meantime, it is advisable to use headsets to minimize exposure to the EMFs.
2. The risk of death from brain cancer is higher for cell phone users who hold their cell phones against their heads compared to those who keep their cell phones away from their heads.
3. According to research done by American scientists, men who use their cell phones for more than 4 hours a day or for long periods at a time, may be in danger of damaging their sperm. Researchers recorded lower sperm count on test subjects who use their cell phones for long periods as compared to those who don't. Hmmm. Serious.
4. The risk to children using mobile phones are higher because their developing cells are more susceptible to damage by the EMFs emitted by mobile phones. Apparently, the effects might include deadly diseases, such as leukemia. So parents are well advised to warn their children against excessive use of their mobile phones.
Although all of the above potential health dangers from the use of mobile phones are still being widely researched and yet to be conclusive, I see no harm for us, in the meantime, to use a headset as far as possible when using our cell phones. Better be safe than sorry.
At The Cross (Love Ran Red) - Chris Tomlin
8 years ago
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