What is the nature of cancer as seen from the cellular level? Dr. John Beard, a leading professor of embryology in Scotland, posed that question sometime in the 1880s. He spent the rest of his life exploring the process of cancer and discovering just what activity within the body produces malignant tumors. Dr. Beard documented his work in a publication called “The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer And Its Scientific Basis”, copyright 1911. In a real sense, protein digesting enzymes are our first line of defence against cancer. That is why it is so important that we nourish the body in a way that introduces protein digesting enzymes into it everyday. Otherwise, we must depend on the limited capability of our pancreas to produce such enzymes. All too often our pancreas is not capable of supplying enough digestive enzymes to digest the preponderance of cooked food that we consume daily. [Note: when food is cooked it kills the enzymes and when we eat those foods it becomes the job of our pancreas to supply enzymes to digest them; but the pancreas is limited in this regard]. When someone has cancer, no matter where the malignant tumor shows up, it is vital that they consume foods whose enzymes have not been killed. That means eating an abundance of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. Dr. Beard and other researchers have discovered that enzymes that digest protein play a key role in halting the growth of cancer cells. It’s no wonder that virtually every alternative cancer treatment program encourages patients to stop eating animal products and to eat more raw enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables. When someone has cancer, if they continue eating a daily diet of animal products (meat, chicken, fish, dairy, etc.), these hard to digest foods greatly challenge an already overworked pancreas.. Cancer, no matter where it shows up, is a sure sign that the pancreas is not producing adequate enzymes. In addition, eating animal products makes the body chemistry considerably more acidic, and cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.. And, as mentioned earlier, a lack of protein digesting enzymes allows out of control primitive germ cells to become cancerous. In that sense, we can think of cancer, any cancer, as an enzyme deficiency disease. The good news is that we can each do something about this situation. We can change what we eat and eat more foods that introduce enzymes into the body, as opposed to mainly cooked foods that require the body to manufacture critically needed enzymes. One such food that is especially helpful in this regard is the papaya and papaya seeds; another is pineapple. Both fruits contain enzymes (papain and bromelain, respectively) that are similar to the protein digesting enzymes made by the pancreas. Another extremely beneficial food is sprouts (bean sprouts, broccoli sprouts). They are a rich source of beneficial enzymes and other nutrients that are known to suppress cancerous activity. Protein digesting enzymes are particularly important in that they can dissolve the protein coating that forms around all cancer cells, and this enables the immune system to finally ‘see’ the cancer cells and target them for destruction. These foods also make the body chemistry less acidic and thus a lot less conducive for cancerous activity. (See Barbara Simonsohn’s book, “Healing Power of Papaya”, copyright 2000). Grant it, protein digesting enzymes may not be the only answer to cancer, but truly they are the body’s first defense against this most dreaded disease. If I ever thought I had cancer, aside from abstaining from animal protein, sugar, refined grains, and processed foods, I would be sure to eat at least a half of a papaya and a generous portions of its seeds daily in order to strengthen my body’s first line of defence.
We have in our bodies what scientists call primitive germ cells. In laymen’s terms, these are undeveloped cells that remain after new life is first formed in a mother’s womb. They are called “primitive” because these cells never did develop into mature cells to form various parts of the body. Think of primitive germ cells as extra cells that were not needed in the formation of the fetus. These cells are therefore in each of us, and they seemingly have no function until and unless the body experiences stress or injury of any kind. At that point, the primitive cells become activated in order to help heal whatever stress or injury the body may be experiencing. And once they are activated, these primitive cells start maturing and behaving like trophoblasts cells, which are the cells that house the fetus in an expectant mother. Dr. Beard found that these activated cells continue their growth and development until enough protein digesting enzymes are brought to bear. When there is a sufficient amount of protein digesting enzymes in the body the growth of activated cells ceases. The organ known as the pancreas produces these enzymes, but if it fails to produce enough of them then the activated primitive cells will continue their trophoblasts-like growth eventually producing a cancerous tumor. So whenever healing is initiated by primitive germ cells it is vital that the body have enough protein digesting enzymes to halt the healing process once it has reached a certain point. Dr. Beard’s most important discovery was that if there are not enough of certain enzymes in the body then the growth of activated primitive germ cells will proceed unchecked and lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Indeed, the present day enzyme treatment of cancer is based largely on this important discovery.
Mr. Emeka lives in Port Orchard, Washington. He authored two self-help books about cancer: “Fear Cancer No More” copyright 2002 & “Cancer’s Best Medicine”, copyright 2004
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8 years ago
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